Sarette speaks to Lion’s Club about healthy living in later years

Published 3:58 pm Friday, January 13, 2017

By Joe Crine

Sports Editor Emritus

David Sarrette, associate professor of health physical education and wellness at Bainbridge State College, talked to the Bainbridge Lions Club Wednesday about the secrets of living a long life.

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“There is a lot of evidence that lifestyle is the key to healthy living,” Sarrette said. “We are interested in looking for some kind of genetic component to longevity. We can look at family members. Kids of centenarians who are in their 70s and 80s are very much following in the footsteps of their parents with 60 percent reduced risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.”

Sarrette further pointed out that there is evidence that some families’ genes exert pretty powerful effects on life span. The centenarians registered in the New England centenarian study showed no consistent patterns in diet, exercise or healthy habits that could explain their extended years. About 20 percent had smoked at some time in their live s and some had eating habits that should have made them obese or unhealthy but somehow did not. At least 10 to 15 percent had a history of heart disease, stroke or diabetes for more than 20 years. Something in that groups genes was protecting them from succumbing to disease.