St. John’s to set up holiday bazaar

Published 10:55 pm Friday, November 11, 2016


News Writer

Women of St. John’s Episcopal Church are finalizing preparations for their traditional holiday bazaar to be held on Saturday, November 19, beginning at 9 a.m. and running until 3 p.m.

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In a prior Bainbridge Living magazine, published Winter 2011, there was an article about the history of the Episcopal Bazaar, with special emphasis on the hand-made dolls created by Maria Williams. She was a teacher in Bainbridge and made every intricate detail of the dolls, including hair and all clothing. The dolls were always big ticket items in great demand at early bazaars, where buyers were frequently known to get into fights over them. “Each one is just a treasure,” commented Juliet Richards, one of the coordinators of this year’s bazaar.

Now, a generous church member has donated one of the smaller dolls to the bazaar where buyers can compete for it in a silent auction.

Many of the church women work all year knitting, crocheting, sewing and crafting various decorations. One of those is Barbara Collison, who with her husband, spends the summers in Wisconsin working on her handi-work and making jams and jellies, all for the bazaar.

Morgan and Matt Keel have incorporated their love for the outdoors into rustic wooden candle holders crafted from logs of a tree they cut down, and incorporating quail feathers into special elegant glass ornaments.

As always, there will be a large selection of home baked breads, cakes, pies, cookies, and frozen casseroles of dressing, just in time for Thanksgiving.

The traditional Episcopal chicken salad luncheon will be served beginning at 11:30 a.m. It can be eaten in or carried out.