County to bring in full-time animal control employee to work with city

Published 9:56 pm Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Decatur County’s intergovernmental agreement with the City of Bainbridge on animal control is getting an update.

In May, the two entities joined animal control divisions, with the city responsible for employing a full-time worker and the county a part-time worker. Decatur County will now be responsible for a full-time employee, too, making animal control easier throughout the area.

Originally, the county agreed to 30 hours per week. However, that position has been filled by a prison guard.

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“We had a prison guard that we needed inside the prison for the purposes that he was hired for, but we had him pretty much on the road most of the time dealing with animal control is-sues,” Decatur County Administrator Alan Thomas said. “So, my opinion on that is this is very responsible and a good way of handling it.”

Thomas also cited the difficulty of maintaining a worker long-term in a part-time position, particularly when there are no benefits. Also, two full-time animal control workers between the city and county will mean someone is always on hand to deal with animal issues throughout the area as both will never be off at the same time, which isn’t the case if one employee is part-time.

The new full-time position will include a full range of benefits and will be paid $15.59 per hour. The total budgeted for the county’s side of the service $54,523.01. The Decatur County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the proposal at its meeting Tuesday.

“This is one position,” Thomas said. “The city is covering one and the county will be covering the other. The city furnishes the vehicle and upkeep on the vehicle, so our only commitment in this is the full time employee.”