Memories Car Club pops hoods of vintage vehicles for students, donates to teachers
Published 5:26 pm Friday, September 9, 2016
Mike Webb sat down into the driver’s seat of his 1993 Ford Mustang, turned the keys and revved the engine. The car roared to life, rattling the eardrums of dozens of Jones-Wheat Elementary School first graders.
The kids squealed with joy, covering their ears and smiling in excitement and awe at the loud machine.
Members of Memories Car Club had their vintage vehicles lined up behind JWES Thursday afternoon, giving students a history lesson and showing off the stylish, shiny and noisy aspects of the classic cars that once filled the streets of America.
“It’s a win-win for us,” Webb said. “We are doing what we love to do—showing the cars and doing something for the schools. We just have a good time doing it.”
Students in all four grades at JWES spent time learning about the vehicles from Memory Car Club chairman Denise Webb, who presented the students with a poster board filled with photos of the vintage vehicles. Denise asked the students if they recognized any of the cars, and if anyone in their families owned a vintage vehicle.
The students then lined up and walked outside to get a closer look at the pieces of history.
The cars were also filled with gift boxes for the teachers at JWES. Each teacher’s box had items they specifically requested, all paid for by the Memories Car Club using money raised last month.
“It’s a dream come true,” said fourth grade teacher Dot Pierce. “It was unexpected, and we feel like it was a nice gesture. A lot of times, people don’t realize we need more supplies. Teachers spend their own personal money. For (them) to come out and extend this to us, we really appreciate it.”
The day didn’t end at school, though. Memories Car Club held a “Cruise In” fundraiser at Boyd’s Barbecue Thursday evening, selling raffle tickets for barbecue meals. Club members pulled into the parking lot to show off their cars, enjoy good food and socialize with fellow enthusiasts.
“I think it means family time,” Boyd’s Barbecue owner Russell Boyd said, who himself is a member of Memories Car Club. “You look back and wish we saved what we drove when we were in high school. We really didn’t realize what we had then, versus what they are worth now or what we are looking for now.”
Boyd said he felt the car club meant good, clean fellowship with good people. And that’s the whole idea behind starting it.
Memories Car Club plans to donate to other schools in Bainbridge and continue to hold fundraisers. The third Saturday of every month will be an official “Cruise In” evening at Boyd’s Barbecue from 4 p.m. to dark.