Harrell discusses allocating dollars at Bainbridge State College

Published 5:54 pm Friday, July 15, 2016

Lauren Harrell, executive director of institutional advancement at Bainbridge State College, updated the Bainbridge Lions Club Wednesday on the college foundation and what they do with their dollars.

“We are unique,” Harrell said in opening her comments. “We are the only college in the university system of Georgia that can award GED, technical degrees and certificates, associates and bachelor degrees.”

Harrell also pointed out that the foundation helps students achieve GED’s through bachelor in business management degrees.

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“Last fiscal year the foundation approved 10 stipends for GED testing into our permanent budget of $1600,” Harrell said. “Our GED graduation ceremonies are very special to me. They are small ceremonies, usually with 10 to 25 students with the graduates’ families and friends present, and the graduates speeches are always sincere and entertaining.”

Harrell said the college awards 78 foundation scholarships that are needs based, merit based, community service based and campus involvement based. Scholarships are also awarded in agribusiness and nursing.

Harrell also pointed out that many donors award multiple $1,000 scholarships instead of full tuition scholarship.

“Classes cost approximately $91 per credit hour,” she said. “The current balance of your Bainbridge Lions Club scholarship is $23,145. The current recipient is Heather Spooner. I thank the Lions for all your generous support through the years. Without donors and community minded donors like you, many of the things we do for student’s benefits would not be possible.”