Decatur County’s budget balanced, voted on at Tuesday meeting
Published 5:58 pm Friday, July 1, 2016
Correction: It was incorrectly reported in the Wednesday, June 29, edition that Decatur County is $6.5 million in the red for FY2017. Decatur County’s FY17 budget is balanced. The Post-Searchlight regrets the error.
The Decatur County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the FY 2017 budget at its meeting Tuesday night.
The FY17 budget includes revenues totaling $27.2 million and expenditures reaching up to $33.7 million.
General fund revenue is budgeted at $15.8 million, SPLOST is budgeted for $4.2 million, $5.6 million is set for enterprise funds, E-911 SRF Fund is budgeted at $1.1 million and other special revenue projects is allocated $345, 845.
Individual items listed under Revenues shows property taxes at $9.3 million, fire service taxes at $375,000, sales tax at $6.3 million, forest land/LIPT at $1.2 million, miscellaneous taxes at $1.4 million, fees and fines at $979,000, licenses and permits at $5,000, Intergovernmental at $1.8 million, charges for services at $4.9 million, investment earnings at $54,801 and miscellaneous at $580,615.
General fund expenditures put the county on the plus side, with $15.1 million in expenditures for all departments resulting in a net excess of $730,646.
General government is budgeted at $1.5 million in expenses, judicial is at $1.6 million, public safety is at $10.1 million, public works is set at $4 million, health and welfare is at $115,249, parks and recreation sits at $12,000, housing and development is at $461,462, intergovernmental is at $2.2 million, principal is at $158,752 and interest is budgeted at $10,769.
Expenditures for SPLOST total $5 million, the SPLOST debt service fund reaches $169,521, the enterprise fund’s expenses total $11.5 million and the E-911 fund is budgeted for almost $1.6 in expenditures.
The “Other Special Revenue Funds” category lists $303,445 in expenditures, resulting in a net of $42,400 for Decatur County.
Other financing sources, including GEFA loan proceeds and Grant revenues are budgeted to give Decatur County an additional $6.2 million.
Proceeds from sale of timber and other capital are budgeted at $183,600 and $32,600 is budgeted for prior year resources and loan proceeds.