Orion Lodge honors two Bainbridge graduates

Published 5:45 pm Friday, June 3, 2016

Orion Lodge Number 8 F&AM presented scholarships Thursday night to Maci Barber and Perry Waddell, two Bainbridge High School 2016 graduates who will be attending the University of Georgia.

Barber received a $1,000 scholarship and Waddell received a $500 scholarship. Lodge worshipful master Joe Frank Battles, who presented the scholarships, said both recipients were outstanding in the classroom and in athletic competition.

“Maci Barber played number three singles for the second place Region 1-AAAA Lady Cats tennis team and Perry Waddell, who was one of the top runners for the Bearcats cross-country team, were both strong scholar athletes,” Battles said.

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Both honorees thanked the lodge members for their scholarships and talked about how they are looking forward to going to Georgia.

“This scholarship will really benefit me at Georgia, “Barber, daughter of Bobby and Allison Barber, said. “I plan to major in communication science behavioral disorders.”

Wadell, son of Greg and Dee Waddell continued, “My running career has been very important to me. The scholarship will enable me to continue to stay around sports by earning a degree in sports medicine at Georgia.”