President of the Year addresses Lions Club
Published 5:25 pm Friday, April 15, 2016
Former Bainbridge Lions Club President of the Year award winner Jim Beck gave a history of the club during the its regular meeting on Wednesday.
Prior to the address, Walter Goodman was inducted as a new Lions member while his sponsor, Tuffy Nussbaum, looked on.
Beck opened the program by pointing out that the Bainbridge Lions Club was formed in 1936 and E.G. Elcan served the first club president.
“Projects that we donate to through the year include the Georgia Lions Lighthouse For the Blind, the White Cane drive to help the blind and the Leader Dog program for the blind.”
Beck further pointed out that the club also participates in several other moneymaking projects to aid the community.
“The club has our annual skeet shoot for site at Matthew Sharber’s East River Clays, and we maintain a scholarship at Bainbridge State College. We assist the Calvary Lions Club at their annual Mule Day Festival. We help them set up the mule corral work in the Mule Day information booth and help serve at their annual chicken pilau supper, help man their sling shot booth and help with the mule day judging. The Calvary Lions Club compensates us for our help.”
Beck further pointed out that the club collects used eye glasses for recycling which are distributed to those in need and cleans a special portion of local highway as part of the local Keep America Beautiful program.
In conclusion, Beck pointed out that Lions Clubs International has grown to include 1.4 million men and women in 46,000 clubs located in 193 countries and geographic areas.