Decatur County EMA warns of possible flooding
Published 10:17 am Thursday, April 7, 2016
Decatur County Emergency Management Agency is monitoring the flow of the Big Slough.
The slough is running from Mitchell County and is expected to run through the Slough Loop area within the next few days.
The Decatur County EMA cannot give an exact date that water will begin to flow through this area. However, residents should keep watch on the water conditions and make preparations as needed.
Twin Lakes and the Big Slough drain into the Flint River at the same point, under the Four Mile bridge on Vada Road (Hwy 97 N.). Because this area already has a good amount of water draining from Twin Lakes, residents in Powell’s Mobile Home Park, Campus Colony and Plum Nelly may see water levels rise as the Big Slough reaches this area.
The river is predicted to crest at 25.1 feet on Friday, April 8, at round 2 p.m.
It is still uncertain as to how these areas will be affected, so residents should be attentive to rising water conditions and make preparations to move to safety.
Sand bags are available, if needed, at Decatur County Public Works on Airport Road before 4 p.m.
No shelters have been opened at this time. For further questions regarding flooding conditions contact EMA Director Charlie McCann at (229) 400-8087 or Deputy EMA Director Tonya Griffin at (229) 400-2023.