Rotarians learn about rights for military re-employment

Published 5:03 pm Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Rotarians took part during their Tuesday meeting in a preliminary quiz presented by Michael Bryant, volunteer chair of the Southwest Georgia area for Employer Support of Guard and Reserves (ESGR).

It was an effort to see how much they knew (or guessed at) about USERRA laws and regulations. As it turned out, Rotarians proved to be fairly knowledgeable, giving accurate answers to most of the questions.

USERRA stands for the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights

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Act, federal laws under the Department of Defense that govern re-employment rights that prohibit against discrimination of those who serve in the military.

Bryant, a major in the U.S. Army Reserves, said the focus of the ESGR organization is to develop and promote a culture where American employers support military service.

USERRA encourages military service and promotes re-employment of those who serve in all branches of the military as well as those who are called to serve at National disaster sites.

The laws apply to all employers, even foreign companies doing business in the United States. It is not required of companies that have had a reduction of workforce or the company has ceased to exist.

Those wishing to know more about the organization and the rights are encouraged to visit