Industrial parks certified as AT&T Fiber Ready
Published 4:59 pm Friday, February 26, 2016

Industrial Development Authority Chairman Keith Lyle, Sterling Widner, Decatur County Commissioner Russell Smith, County Commission Chairman Dennis Brinson, AT&T Regional Director – External Affairs Courtney Brinson, Bainbridge City Councilwoman Roslyn Palmer, Roy Oliver, Bainbridge Information Director Julie Harris, County Commissioner Pete Stephens and Industrial Development Exectutive Director Rick McCaskill stand together outside the entrance to Commodore Industrial Park. — Powell Cobb
As part of AT&T’s continuing efforts to drive economic development and investment in Georgia, AT&T and the Development Authority of Bainbridge-Decatur County announced the Decatur County Industrial Park and Commodore Industrial Park have been certified as being AT&T Fiber Ready.
In today’s world, connectivity is vital to employers and businesses of every type.
“The high-speed connectivity that is possible through fiber-optic infrastructure is vital for businesses in today’s economy, and as we work to attract new employers to the area, this is exactly the kind of tool that our economic development leaders need to emphasize the resources we have here in Bainbridge,” said State Senator Dean Burke.
There’s no such thing as a “low-tech” business today, so economic development leaders must be able to tout the presence of high-speed internet connectivity.
“Our resources in Georgia are extensive, but if potential investors aren’t aware of the tech infrastructure in place across the state, then we face the potential of losing many opportunities. The AT&T Fiber Ready designation helps to eliminate those missed opportunities,” said Rick McCaskill, Executive Director of the Development Authority of Bainbridge and Decatur County. “Georgia’s economy is headed in the right direction, in large part because of the leadership of our elected officials. Their continued focus on smart policies and economic development are vital to our work to grow businesses and create jobs in Bainbridge and Decatur County.”
With the designation of being AT&T Fiber Ready, local economic development officials can more effectively position their communities for site selection by emphasizing the availability of high-speed, fiber-based services.
The AT&T Fiber Ready designation is a tool for local economic development officials to highlight the assets available in their facilities. Higher speeds means better access and higher potential for economic growth, according to Courtney Brinson, AT&T Regional Director – External Affairs.
“We are proud to highlight Bainbridge and Decatur County as one of many places in Georgia where AT&T’s fiber-optic infrastructure is in place and ready to help local businesses drive job creation,” Brinson said. “Positive, pro-business policies embraced by Georgia’s state and local elected officials continue to make our state a great place to invest, and I’m proud of the work our AT&T Georgia employees have done deploying fiber and other infrastructure that delivers high-speed Internet access. Their hard work and skills, combined with millions of dollars in AT&T investment, enable Georgians to connect and innovate.”
McCaskill said potential industry is looking for reasons to mark communities and locations off their lists. Marketing the Fiber Ready aspect of the two industrial parks would give businesses a bigger incentive to move to Bainbridge-Decatur County.
“It makes us look progressive,” McCaskill said. “It makes us look like we’re on top of things.”