BPS shares holiday precautions, safety tips to prevent theft

Published 5:30 pm Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Will Christmas drawing ever closer; homes are full of wrapped presents. With school out many families are heading out of town to celebrate the holiday with family. This all leads to a very busy season for Bainbridge Public Safety.

“Burglars are opportunistic,” Deputy Director of BPS Frank Green said. “Citizens have to be extra cautious.”

As families fill their homes with expensive gifts or head out of town thieves take advantage and look for an easy job.

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“They will go up like they are looking to do some work and see if anyone is home,” Green said.

According to Green, would be thieves will then test the front door to see if it’s unlocked.

Simply locking your door can be a deterrent to a thief. The same goes for your car.

“Always have good locks and a deadbolt on main doors,” Green said. “When shopping always be aware getting out of your vehicle and always lock your car. In most cases if it is locked [thieves] will move on.”

Green also suggests that resident take extra precautions if they are heading out of town for the holidays.

“Don’t post travel plans on social media,” Green said. “It alerts people that you are leaving town.”

He recommends that residents have a light in their house on a timer so that it appears as if someone is home. Additionally, residents can deter thieves by having a motion-activated light on the outside of the house.

“It will spook burglars,” Green said.

If the lights don’t work Green says you can make it more difficult for the burglar to gain entry. Along with a good lock and deadbolt he suggests unplugging the garage door so that thieves can’t open it.

Precautions against thieves require that residents be vigilant after the holidays too.

After unwrapping gifts people tend to place the boxes they came in on the street. Items such as TV boxes can encourage thieves because it tells them exactly what they can expect inside.

“After Christmas the city places dumpsters where people can dump boxes,” Green said.

Dumpsters will be available at Public Safety Headquarters on Louise Street, Leisure Services on Shotwell Street, and Public Works on Pierce Street.

About Brandon O'Connor


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