Annual bird count set for Dec. 28
Published 5:28 pm Tuesday, December 8, 2015
The annual Christmas Bird Count will be held this year on Monday, December 28.
This will be the 27th consecutive annual count in this area, and one of more than 2000 counts made throughout the United States and Canada.
This is an early-winter bird census where thousands of volunteers go out over a 24-hour period and count the birds they see in designated 15-mile radius circles.
Oscar Dewberry, a retired wildlife biologist with the Georgia Department Natural Resources serves as coordinator of the event and initiated the first Decatur County count that took place in 1990. Dewberry set up the count through the Audubon Society, a national organization whose mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife and their habitats.
He explained that bird counts are conducted all across North America. In choosing the location of the local count, he said he picks an area that would include Bainbridge, Decatur County and parts of Lake Seminole.
Birders of all skill levels are welcome. “Anyone interested in birds is welcome, and it is a great learning experience. Equipped with binoculars, pen and paper to keep their tally and a number of bird identification books, participants test their skills incorporating not only the look of the birds but their songs or sounds into the identification process,” said Dewberry.
For more information contact Oscar Dewberry at 229-246-1890.