Sellers retires after 30 years with Bainbridge State College
Published 3:07 pm Wednesday, August 5, 2015

BSC President, Dr. Richard Carvajal presents Instructor David Sellers with a plaque in recognition of his 30 years of service at Bainbridge State College.
By Susanne Reynolds
After 30 years of dedicated service, David Sellers, the Instructor of Industrial Maintenance Technology has retired.
On August 1, 1985, Sellers joined Bainbridge Junior College.
“I have enjoyed working here for the past 30 years,” said Sellers. “The work itself has been a pleasure.”
He remembered some of his favorite memories while at the College.
He said, “Without a doubt, my favorite memory is my close relationship and association with my colleagues, especially the other technical instructors. During most of my time here, Don Huskey, Bill Story, Jerry McNease and myself cooked lunch and ate together at least once a week. We’d have deer, wild turkey, fish, and just about anything else that runs, flies or swims in Decatur County. I never remember having a cross word with any of them and we remain good friends since they moved on.”
While at Bainbridge State, Sellers has served on many hiring committees and developed curriculum for various programs—but his primary position was as the Instructor of Industrial Maintenance Technology.
Exactly 30 years after his first day, he retired. His official last day was August 1. The Bainbridge State College staff and faculty gathered to wish Sellers well in his retirement.
Dr. Richard Carvajal, BSC President, presented him with a plaque in recognition of his 30 years of dedicated service.
“When people think about someone who has been at any organization for a long time there’s a natural perception that the quality may go down, but in David’s case, he is the classic example of why that perception is such a fallacy,” said Carvajal. “Every time I think about the work David has done here, it screams quality.
The quality of the product David produces for his students and the quality of student he produces is outstanding. He’s always worked hard to keep his program up-to-date. It’s such a pleasure when we have someone like David—someone who doesn’t know how to do a bad job. Since I’ve known him, he has always cared about what he did and the students—and it really showed in the quality of work produced.”
While at BSC, Sellers has learned the power of words and encouragement as a result of his job position.
He said, “I learned never to underestimate the impact that a word or two of praise, encouragement and advice can have on people that you cross paths with every day. Take a minute to show attention because you never know if you will have that opportunity with that person again.”
Now that Sellers has retired, he plans to take some leisure time.