Bainbridge man accused of causing internal injuries to baby after violent shaking

Published 6:56 pm Tuesday, July 7, 2015

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A Bainbridge man was arrested last week after allegedly shaking his six-month-old baby, causing internal and external injuries, according to Bainbridge Public Safety.

BPS Investigator Chip Nix said that 21-year-old D’Marco Dontray Murphy admitted to shaking the baby when interviewed after the mother reported the incident June 24. Murphy was charged with aggravated assault and cruelty to children, both felony charges.

Nix said that Murphy was in custody of the child when the incident allegedly occurred and that the mother took the baby to Bainbridge Memorial Hospital and later to Tallahassee Memorial Hospital. The doctors told police that the baby’s injuries were consistent with Shaken Baby Syndrome.

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Shaken Baby Syndrome is a form of abusive head trauma and inflicted traumatic brain injury caused by violently shaking an infant, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The CDC credits “inconsolable crying” as the primary trigger for shaking a baby and says that “nearly all victims of SBS suffer from serious health consequences.”