BSC students showcase various talents in BSC’s ‘The Producers’ play
Published 6:23 pm Friday, May 1, 2015

BSC students Jennifer Cerone, Kyler Singletary and Emily Howard prepare for the opening weekend of BLT’s production of “The Producers.”
By Susanne Reynolds
Special to The Post-Searchlight
Bainbridge State College has many talented students and three of them can be seen in Bainbridge Little Theatre’s (BLT) production of “The Producers,” opening this week.
Kyler Singletary, Emily Howard and Jennifer Cerone are all students at BSC, managing to balance the life of student and thespian. By finding the time to give back to their community through their talents, the students have learned many skills outside of the classroom.
The stage serves as a different type of classroom for these students.
Kyler Singletary, an English major at BSC, portrays Leo in “The Producers,” and according to him, he has been “pulled out of his shell” by participating in theatrical productions with BLT.
He said, “When you are on stage as a character, you have the chance to be someone else and be in another world. It’s a way to escape.”
Singletary has been in productions since middle school and believes his experience and the knowledge gained in the theatre will help him with his career aspirations.
“You can’t learn some of the skills you learn on stage in the classroom,” said Singletary. “During rehearsals and shows, we make friends and we are a very open group who learn from one another.”
His fellow student, Emily Howard is taking the stage for the first time at BLT with this production in various roles; however she is no stranger to stages. She has been in various dancing ensembles.
Howard is currently seeking a degree in Early Childhood Education. Even though she is new to acting, she views this experience as educational and beneficial to her career goals.
“I like to work in teams—and when I become a teacher, I will have those skills developed thanks to being involved with activities such as theatrical productions. Communication is also another key skill that I have developed since being involved here at Bainbridge Little Theatre,” she said.
Also taking on various roles in “The Producers” is Jennifer Cerone. Not only is Cerone taking on various roles on stage, but also in her life. She is a senior participating in the Accel Program at BSC, which provides an opportunity for high school students to begin earning a college degree while still in high school.
She is currently pursuing a Biology degree.
According to Cerone, balancing the life of a college student, high school student and thespian can be a little hectic—but it is all worth it.
“It can be really crazy at times, but with time management—I make it all work and I have a blast while doing it,” she said.
She added that communication is important in all aspects of her student life and life in the theatre, “If you don’t communicate well with other students or actors, it can throw everyone off and make things difficult. While being a student and actress, I have learned to balance my time and communicate well with others. This will help me throughout the rest of my life.”
These students can be seen showcasing their various talents on the BLT stage on the following dates and times: April 30, May 1 & 2, at 7:30 p.m.; May 3 at 2:30 p.m.; May 7-9 at 7:30 p.m.; and May 10 at 2:30 p.m.