Ag-based recruting is paying off
Published 7:37 pm Friday, November 22, 2013
The Development Authority of Bainbridge and Decatur County continues to concentrate on the recruitment of new agricultural-based businesses and it appears those efforts are starting to pay off.
During Thursday’s Development Authority board meeting, Rick McCaskill, executive director, updated the board of several active projects.
According to McCaskill, AgrowStar, a grain transportation company based in Davisboro, Ga, is deep in the planning phases of opening and operating a corn trans-loading facility in the Decatur County Industrial Park. While the deal to locate in Decatur County has not been finalized, McCaskill expressed confidence that the company would locate a facility here.
The chosen location would be behind the John B. Sanfilippo facility, with access to a rail spur.
This business would be heavily reliant on rail transportation and the access to rail in the industrial park made this location attractive.
McCaskill indicated that because of the proximity of the Decatur County Airport runways, the Federal Aviation Administration had to approve the height of the grain silos that will be built.
The board also voted on the slate of officers for 2014 during the meeting. The current officers will remain unchanging next year.
Keith Lyle will serve as chairman, Ted Martin will serve as vice chairman, and Mike Conder was re-elected as the treasurer.
After closing the meeting to discuss personnel, the board voted to award McCaskill with a $3,500 annual bonus and $1,000 in Bainbridge Bucks as a Christmas bonus.
They also voted to increase the hourly wage of Dyann Howell, administrative assistant, by one dollar and award her a $500 annual bonus and $500 in Bainbridge Bucks as a Christmas bonus.
The board also approved a $299,525 budget for the 2014 calendar year.