Grand Ole Opry prepares for a hoedown at this year’s Climax Swine Time festival
Published 9:50 am Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Grand Ole Opry performs on stage during last year’s Swine Time in Climax. The group encourages everyone in the area to come out and dance as they sing and play music.
It’s Friday afternoon, Nov. 29. Have you dad your fill of turkey yet? Don’t want to exercise but want to move a little? Well Minnie Pearl, also known as Gwen Wingate of Climax, says, “Howd-ee.”
Come on out to Climax for a little stomping and clapping and get a start on Swine Time at the school auditorium with the Golden Ager’s sponsored Climax Grand Ole Opry.
Don Williams, also known as Joe Salter of Climax and emcee of the event, points the way to Climax as he too sends his warm welcome for a night of moving and grooving to old time country music pantomimed by local folks acting like the Grand Ole Opry stars. Sometime folks around here forget they aren’t the real things.
One little lady, very young for her years, asked, “Somehow I thought Minnie Pearle had passed. Did I dream it or did I forget something?”
So on Friday, Nov. 29th around 7 p.m., mosey on out to Climax at the school auditorium and move to the flow.
Bring a few dollars because a donation will be accepted at the door.
Oh and don’t forget the band and the foggy mountain players, etc.
Just come on out and have some good family fun in Climax.