The One Tour seeks to unite all churches
Published 4:19 pm Thursday, October 10, 2013
In hopes of uniting churches of all denominations, from throughout the region, Inside Out Nation ministries of Thomasville and Cross Wild ministries of Tallahassee are throwing a free concert at the Earl May Boat Basin Saturday, Oct. 12.
The event will feature local Christian ministers and musical talent. The event at the boat basin will be free to the public, requiring those who attend to just bring along a lawn chair or blanket.
“Bainbridge has never seen an outdoor Christian concert at the boat basin,” said Josh Paske, administrative director for the Friendship House in Bainbridge, a ministry that was part of the conversation for Inside Out to throw the concert in Bainbridge. “To be able to offer this to the people and families here for free is a big thing for the faith community and all of Bainbridge.”
Paske said the outdoor concert, which hopes to attract crowds for a night of worship, is fulfilling a vision to expand evangelism to all people in town. Because music is such and influencer, Paske said, a concert can bring people together from all denominations and out of their churches, outside of a building, into an environment where everyone can worship together.
Bryan Watt with Inside Out, based in Thomasville, will be one of many leading worship at the event, which will include music by local artist Johnny Payne. Watt said his ministry has done many events in the region in the past, but this event is the first of its kind.
“We have done events and concerts throughout South Georgia and North Florida, but this is the first time we are doing something with just the local community,” Watt said. “The people speaking and leading worship are from Tallahassee, Cairo, Thomasville, Bainbridge and Moultrie — so its just local talent that we feel God is just raising up.”
Watt said he and his team wanted to provide a way for people in different walks of their faith could join in and unite as one body.
“We want to just have a united worship gathering where the gospel will be preached and hopefully our hearts will be united together,” Watt said. “Together our force can be greater, our light can be brighter than it can be apart.”
But Watt said those coming for a big name band will not get to hear one, but Jesus will be the person they come to see and the big name they want to come and encounter.