Lake Seminole hosts bass tournament this weekend
Published 4:52 pm Thursday, October 10, 2013
The third annual Lake Seminole Open Team Bass Tournament sponsored by the Bainbridge Convention and Visitors Bureau will be Saturday and Sunday.
Two person teams will leave from the Earle May Boat Basin each day at safe daylight and return at 3 p.m. for weigh in.
Only artificial lures may be used and all bass must be caught in a legal live conventional manner using a rod and reel.
The big fish pot will be $10.00 per team for both days. The big fish pot is not optional and it will be spit evenly both days. Local anglers Matt Palmer, one of the men who came up with the idea of the tournament three years ago, and his partner Wendell Hall will be one of the Bainbridge teams in the tournament.
“We appreciate Matt Palmer and all the others who have made the tournament possible,” Adrienne Harrison of the Convention and Visitors Bureau said..
Palmer said he could not take credit for solely coming up with the idea of the tournament.
“Bainbridge City manager Chris Hobby, former city of Bainbridge employee Tommy King and other members of the bass committee and I all got together and jointly came up with the tournament idea,” Palmer said.