Children awed by Chehaw animals
Published 7:46 am Monday, June 17, 2013

CHILDREN ARE IN AWE as they get up close and personal with the rear end of a corn snake.CHILDREN ARE IN AWE as they get up close and personal with the rear end of a corn snake.
Everyone wants to see animals, and the children at the Gilbert H. Gragg Library Thursday morning reading program were very excited to see and pet the live critters brought by Joni Burnette and Rebecca Boyd from Chehaw State Park and Zoo of Albany.
The program theme was animals that burrow, and it began with two Madagascar hissing cockroaches.
A brief description of the living patterns of each animal was given by Burnette, an employee in the park and zoo educational center. The children were encouraged to ask questions and were allowed to pet the animals, including the small gopher tortoise named Polly.
The bravest ones also reached out to pet the corn snake introduced by Burnette.