It’s time to check smoke detectors
Published 2:00 am Thursday, March 14, 2013
Special to The Post-Searchlight
Daylight savings time began earlier this month, and surely by now you’ve set your clocks forward an hour, but have you checked the batteries in your smoke detector?
“Springing Forward” is also a time to check your batteries, according to Doyle Welch, major of fire prevention and code enforcement with Bainbridge Public Safety.
It is important to not only change the batteries in your smoke detector twice a year (generally when time changes), but to preform monthly checks to insure your smoke detector is functioning properly. Even if your smoke detectors are hardwired, replace the batteries in case of a power outage.
It is also time to maintenance your smoke detector by removing dust and dirt that could cause your smoke detector to malfunction. By doing so, you could save a life. Statistics show working smoke detectors reduce the chance of dying in a fire by 50%. If you do not have smoke detectors, or if your smoke detector is over 8-10 years old, now is the time to install or replace smoke detectors on every level of your home and outside every sleeping area.
When installing smoke detectors, one should mount the smoke detector high on the wall but at least six inches down from the ceiling, if installing on the ceiling, the detectors should be installed at least six inches away from the wall.
If you need assistance installing a smoke detector alarm or making sure yours is working properly, call Bainbridge Public Safety at (229) 248-2038. If you live outside Bainbridge, contact Decatur County Fire and Rescue at (229) 248-3011.