BPS now offers 24-7 prescription drug disposal
Published 5:41 am Thursday, January 31, 2013

Bainbridge Public Safety Deputy Director Frank Green demonstrates the presence of a prescription drug dropoff box that is now in the lobby of BPS Headquarters on Louise Street in Bainbridge.
Have you ever wondered what to do with your old and left over prescription drugs? Bainbridge Public Safety has the answer! BPS recently placed a permanent “drop box” for citizens to use to properly dispose of their prescription drugs, as well as other medications. The box, located in the lobby at BPS Headquarters, is available for the public to use 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
In the past, BPS, the Sheriff’s Department and other local law enforcement agencies have partnered with DEA’s National Take Back Initiative, which is held twice a year.
“We have participated in those initiatives in the past in order to help keep drugs from being on the streets and getting into our water supply,” said BPS Deputy Director Frank Green. “With the increased abuse of prescription drugs, we thought it would be better to have a permanent place for people to properly dispose of their drugs.”
The box is not limited to accepting only prescription drugs. Over the counter medications, patches, pet medications, vitamins and samples can be dropped off. However, there are some limitations. No medications from businesses or clinics, lotions, liquids, aerosol cans, inhalers, thermometers or hydrogen peroxide can be accepted.
Once drugs have been dropped off, they will be destroyed by a court order. According to Green, BPS anticipates working with the DEA to assist in destruction.
The next DEA National Take Back Initiative is scheduled for Saturday, April 27. But don’t wait to dispose of your drugs. Bainbridge Public Safety is making it easy and convenient to do it at any time!