It’s time to leave the old and go to the new
Published 4:56 am Friday, January 11, 2013
Laymen Brotherhood Second Chance Outreach
The year of 2012 brought about its fortunes, misfortunes, blessings, life experiences through trials, tests, and everything God allowed to come our way. If we are still here today, we are blessed and still have a chance to do better than we did last year. Most of all, we can get closer to God, family, loved-ones, and become more dedicated in our relations with one another and most of all God.
If we are sober minded and walking in the Spirit of Christ, we will also see the dark side this world has to offer that can lead all of us astray if we are not careful. Being a new believer in Christ, we are a new creation and all things become new. The old ways, habits and desires that are ungodly should be a thing of the past because the blood of Jesus has cleansed us.
According to the Bible, we are to renew our minds, and let Christ’s mind be in us. The precious gift of the Holy Spirit is our Helper, because we can not do it ourselves. Having a willing mind and giving our hearts to Christ will enable us to overcome our short comings.
Joshua 1:1-7 tells the story of Joshua stepping up to lead God’s people after the death of Moses, who was a great leader and deliverer. Moses was a Hebrew, but was raised in an aristocratic society. He had the best of the best. After learning of his true identity, he made a change from the old to the new.
He took a step down, according to society’s standards, but in the eyes of God, he gained an increase toward his eternal reward. He began his pilgrimage to Canaan to the Promised Land. The Israelites had been warned by God, but they were hard-headed and were put into captivity. Sometimes we follow in that same pattern today and our results are the same.
Our Deliverer today is Jesus Christ, and he wants all of us to accept him. Moses did all he could, but because he disobeyed God, he did not get into the Promised Land. When God told Moses to speak to the rock to get water, he instead struck it twice. He only saw the Promised Land, but was not allowed to cross over. He died at 120 years old.
However, God had someone in line to take care of his tasks after Moses died. It was Joshua. The Bible tells us that he was committed to obeying God. He was also a brilliant military leader. He was a man of courage and was informed by God to be strong and of good courage.
God’s leaders today need to be the same way, because we can not do the work of the Lord with fear. When the people got ready to cross over, they answered Joshua, “Whatever you have commanded us, we will do and wherever you send us, we will go.” They followed Moses and continued to follow Joshua because of his connection with God.
The Lord is still on the throne and showing us his love and power every day. He is good and worthy of our praise, worship, honor and service. He has not brought us this far to leave us alone. We must make up in our minds, that as long as the Lord is on our side, we can make it while we are on this side. And when we make the final transition from earth to glory, the old world and the old man and its ways will be left behind. We will be in our new bodies and we will walk in the New Jerusalem and see our Savior face to face! It is good to change, if we are going in the right direction.
Prayer: “Dear Father in Heaven, thank you for a new year that you have allowed us to see. Help us to do your will, love you more dearly, follow you more nearly, and for the world to see you in us more clearly. Then your love in us will draw the lost sinner to you. In Jesus name. Amen.”
The Rev. Adren Bivins Sr., a clergyman, is the founder of Laymen Brotherhood Second Chance Outreach Center Inc., a non-profit Bainbridge organization. He can be reached by calling (229) 726-8946 or (229) 416-0884.