County expects to sign landfill contract with Seminole County

Published 12:27 pm Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Decatur County Solid Waste Facility

Decatur County expected Tuesday night to sign a contract with Seminole County, to handle that county’s solid waste.

During Tuesday morning’s meeting of the Decatur County Board of Commissioners, John Simmons, the manager of the Decatur County Solid Waste Facility, told the board that the proposed agreement would bring $90,000 in additional annual operating income for the landfill.

Simmons said the agreement is a three-year disposal and transportation agreement, at $24.50 per ton, and approximately 600 tons per month.

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Tuesday night, Simmons and County Administrator Gary Breedlove were planning to attend the Seminole County Board of Commissioners’ meeting, and the proposal was expected to be approved by that governmental body.

Simmons also recommended several other changes at the Decatur County Solid Waste Facility, located on Mine Loop Road off U.S. Highway 27 South. He noted that the county loses approximately $1,358 every Saturday that the landfill is open, because the volume on the weekends is low.

In order to save money, he recommended that the landfill should only be open on the first and third Saturdays of the month, and closed on all other Saturdays. Commissioner Dr. David C. “Butch” Mosely made a motion to accept Simmons’ recommendation, and the motion passed unanimously. The new Saturday schedule will begin in December.

Also, Simmons suggested that the county should consider holding an “amnesty day” at least twice a year, likely once in April and once in a fall month like September. In an amnesty day, citizens can bring their trash to the landfill and dispose of it at no cost.

Simmons explained that an amnesty day is not only a good public-relations move for the county, but it also allows citizens a chance to get rid of large items — like furniture and appliances — that might instead be dumped on the side of the road.

Commissioners voted unanimously for Simmons to pursue scheduling such an amnesty day in the future.