County school board offers online classes for parent involvement
Published 4:15 am Tuesday, October 30, 2012
The Decatur County Board of Education’s Parent Involvement Program continues to search for ways to reach parents. We constantly strive to inform them about the various ways they may be engaged in their child’s education to increase student achievement.
We understand these are busy times and committing the time to be away from home and attend yet another meeting or event can be taxing on a family. Decatur County Schools’ Parent Involvement Program is now offering online parent involvement course presentations for busy parents and caretakers who may be unable to attend trainings and workshops in person.
Available courses at this time include the following:
Anger Management & Impulse Control
In the Anger & Impulse Control course, the learner will learn how anger and poor coping skills can negatively affect one’s life. The learner will learn steps to appropriately resolve conflict rather than using ineffective ways of expressing himself or herself. The learner will understand impulsivity and how to identify their own impulsive tendencies. The learner will also learn skills necessary to stop and think before acting impulsively.
Increasing Student Achievement through Parental Involvement
In the Increasing Student Achievement through Parental Involvement course, you will be learning how important your role is to your child’s education. You will learn what the research says about your involvement, and how it can affect grades, attendance and much more. There are several types of involvement, and you will learn about each of these with an emphasis on what the school and you, the parent, can do as partners in your child’s education to increase achievement.
NCLB & TITLE I: Parent 411
In the NCLB & Title I: Parent 411 course, you will learn about the laws that outline services and supports available to you and your child. You will recognize the special role you play in determining the educational program for your child’s school. You will learn how money is provided for parent involvement in your school district and how you can help determine how those funds are used.
Raising Responsible Children
In the Raising Responsible Children course, you will learn how to teach your children the skills they will need to become self-sufficient and responsible adults. You will learn how you, as a parent or guardian, can have a positive impact on your children as they grow into adulthood. Although teaching these skills will require directed attention and effort, you will find the benefits are especially helpful to you. By developing skills to become independent and responsible adults, your children will have the opportunity to build self esteem as they contribute to the daily needs of your family.
Parents and caretakers may log onto the online course site at, or they may refer to the district website at parent resources.
Dr. Cheryl Guy is the parent involvement coordinator for the Decatur County Schools. You can email her at