Every family should have a fire-escape plan
Published 8:19 am Thursday, October 4, 2012
National Fire Prevention Week is Oct. 7 through Oct. 13, and the Office of Georgia Insurance and Fire Safety Commissioner Ralph Hudgens is reminding Georgians to “have two ways out!”
Fire prevention tips offered by Hudgens include:
• Install working smoke alarms on every level, and inside and outside of each sleeping area;
• Develop a fire escape plan that identifies two ways out of each room, and a family meeting place outside;
• Make sure your plan allows for any specific needs in your household. If everyone knows what to do, everyone can get out quickly;
• Practice using the plan, at least twice a year.
• In the case of a fire, don’t waste time collecting belongings. Get yourself out and help get others out.
For more information and tips, visit the National Fire Protection Association online at www.nfpa.org