Hangar renovation is worthwhile expenditure
Published 6:17 am Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Concerning the current budgetary crisis facing Decatur County, there are some who may argue that the county is frivolously spending money to upgrade a World War II-era hangar at the county airport. However, we feel that this is a great deal for the county.
While the renovations will cost between $200,000 to $300,000, federal and state grants will take care of most of that expense. The county will only be responsible for approximately $10,000 to $11,000, and that money will not need to come out of the general fund. Instead, it will be obtained by selling scrap metal from the recently-demolished Gilreath Building.
The county’s airport is already a great jewel for our area, but it can be made even better by improving the appearance of the hangar. Having a beautiful airport facility could be another “feather in our cap” to help attract industries, and the jobs they would bring.