Soup kitchen is great community service chance
Published 6:01 pm Friday, August 17, 2012
Patricia Anderson will open the “Someone Cares Soup Kitchen” on Thursday, Aug. 30, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., in the white building on Wheeler Street, behind the old extension office on Vada Road.
Initially, she plans to serve a dinner meal each Thursday night, to anyone who wants to come and eat. It is wonderful to see Anderson’s willingness to undertake such a large charitable organization like a soup kitchen, but she would likely be the first to say that she can’t do it alone.
Donations of canned and dried food staples are welcome, she said. Also needed are fresh meats, vegetables, fruits, milk and eggs for food preparation, as well as disposable plates, cups and eating utensils. Volunteer cooks and servers are also welcomed.
Anyone who can offer assistance in any way is invited to call Anderson at (229) 220-4469.
As Jesus Christ told his disciples, “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me.” We applaud the idea of a soup kitchen, and cheer those who are willing to put their faith beliefs into action.