Climax receives positive audit

Published 6:04 pm Friday, August 17, 2012

The city of Climax recently received a positive audit of its finances.

“I have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, the business type activities, and each mayor fund of the City of Climax and in my opinion, the financial statement referred to above present fairly,” said CPA Bruce Mann, as he presented a graphic chart that showed the changes in revenues and expenditures of several departments, during Monday’s meeting of the Climax City Council.

The graph displayed the increases and decreases in different levels of revenues and expenditures, between the years of 2007 and 2011.

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“As always, everything looked good other than the internal control, which is normal because we have one employee covering multiple jobs and the council is covering that by looking over the financial reports and signing all invoices, and by having two signatures on the bank accounts,” Mann said.

In other public comments, Sandra Thomas, chair of the little park committee, gave a report an update on plans to start the next steps in raising money to place a covered picnic area with tables in the park. She said the committee will be planning a fall festival that is geared towards children under the age of 12 years. Candy sales are also being looked at for another year.

Under standing reports, Council Member Robert Thomas complemented Maintenance Man Greg Toole on the work being done around the city. Thomas stated that everything really looked good around the city, and he felt Toole was doing a fine job. Counciman Bob Jones asked if Toole could put some fertilizer on the trees in Parker Park.

Mayor Charles Hadsock stated that the city needed a complaint form for anyone wishing to file a complaint with the city. He had a form available and asked the council for its opinion.

Councilwoman Vanessa Martin stated that the form didn’t have a date as to how long it would be before someone could expect a reply. Hadsock stated that the decision would be made at the time the complaint was brought before the council, causing no need for this information.
Martin also stated that she didn’t think the form needed to be filled out in the presence of the city clerk. Hadsock said if the form was filled out in the presence of the clerk, it would ensure that the person filling out the forms was the same person bringing the complaint.

Departmental reports

• Police officer John Presiilla reported that he was using a hand held radar until the car radar could be repaired. He also stated that the school zone light would be up soon.

• Maintenance man Greg Toole reported that the new floors had been installed in the depot and Tigers’ den.

A motion, made by Bob Jones and seconded by Gwen Wingate, carried unanimously not to raise the millage rate from its current 6.5 mills.

A motion was made by Bob Jones that if the new owners of Mainstreet Broad Band didn’t include free internet service to the city in the new contract, the city would return its services back to AT&T and the new owners would be charged a fee for the use of the city tower. The motion, seconded by Gwen Wingate, carried unanimously.

There was a pre-construction meeting Thursday, Aug. 16. This meeting was the next step to getting the CDBG water system under way.

Reporter’s note: A very special thank you to City Clerk Karen Toole for her assistance with this article, during my illness.