Delegates attend state 4-H council
Published 6:21 pm Tuesday, July 31, 2012

DECATUR COUNTY 4-H students, left to right, Stennes Austinson, Alexandra McLendon, Levi Adkins and Josiah Austinson, recently attended the state 4-H council as delegates from their county.|Submitted
Four delegates from Decatur County 4-H attended State 4-H Council, held June 22-24 at Rock Eagle 4-H Center. Alexandra McLendon, Levi Adkins, Stennes Austinson, and Josiah Austinson attended the annual 4-H state meeting.
They joined other 4-H’ers and leaders throughout Georgia, representing almost every county in the state. This year’s theme of State Council was “Like A Good Neighbor, 4-H is There.”
The fast paced weekend was filled with opportunities to explore Georgia 4-H and focused on applying 4-H to everyday life. 4-H’ers also spent the three days attending educational programs, participating in a citizenship ceremony, studying ideas and issues, attending dances, electing state 4-H officers, and exchanging ideas with new friends.
A highlight of the event was the citizenship ceremony for new voters. The ceremony honored delegates who have reached 18 years of age and are eligible to vote in all elections.
4-H’ers from each district competed for the Iron Clover Award. The rotating award is presented annually to the district that excels in competitions such as softball, volleyball, pool relay, and 4-H Idol — just to name a few. Each 4-H’er also received a State 4-H Council District t-shirt to wear during the Iron Clover rally and competition. The Southwest District was the 2nd place winner of the Iron Clover Competition for 2012. Other highlights included dances, swimming, and a performance by Clovers & Co.
State 4-H Council is the annual meeting of the Georgia 4-H Assembly, with each county represented. This event is just one of many leadership workshops provided for senior 4-H’ers in grades ninth through 12th.
For more information about the Decatur County 4-H Program, please call the Decatur County Extension Office at (229) 248-3033.