River Town Days was a neat community event

Published 8:34 am Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I’m having a little difficulty coming up with a column topic, so I thought I’d just kind of touch on a variety of interesting subjects. Well, they’re interesting to me. They may not be interesting to you.

• As many of you know, I am still relatively new to Bainbridge. I moved here in August 2011, and so this past weekend was my first chance to experience the River Town Days Festival.

I have lived in small towns my whole life, and am used to community festivals being a way of life for those who live in a small Southern town. I was very impressed by the variety of events and fun things to do, at Bainbridge’s River Town Days. The Friday concert with “A1A” was very entertaining and I was glad to see such a large turnout. I also came back Saturday and it seemed like everyone was having a really fun time, especially the kids.

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I was also able to indulge in a little fun of my own. Saturday, I had my very first “fried Oreo” at one of the River Town Days’ food vendors. As I joked with the vendor, “I’ll try one. You only live once.” Surprisingly, my arteries did not instantly clog up after finishing the powdered-sugar-covered treat. It was definitely pretty tasty.

• Last Thursday night I had the opportunity to cover the Bainbridge High School’s spring choral concert. I was very impressed by the vocal talent, as well as the unique music that the students were able to perform. During that concert, it wasn’t unusual to hear lyrics in French and Swahili, as well as English. The students didn’t just stand still and sing; they really got into the music with swaying and dancing. Their last two numbers, which were based on South African praise songs, sounded like they came straight out of the soundtrack to The Lion King.

I thought Choral Director Claritha Jacobs did an excellent job of leading the students, and I really enjoyed getting the chance to hear them perform.

• Congratulations to all of the graduates who received their diplomas at Saturday’s Bainbridge College commencement ceremony. It is always admirable to see people who are making the effort to improve their lives, and we are very lucky to have a quality institution like BC close to home. Congratulations also to former BC President Dr. Tom Wilkerson, who got a much-deserved recognition as the college’s newest president emeritus.

• I was quite amused to hear that MSNBC Hardball anchor Chris Matthews recently participated in a game of celebrity Jeopardy!, and placed third on the show. During the 2008 campaign, Matthews regularly ripped the intelligence of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, saying, “It’s unbelievable how little this woman knows … don’t put her on Jeopardy!”

I don’t know how smart Palin is, but I do know that Matthews definitely deserved that little bit of karma by failing to do well on the show. Maybe he should keep in mind, “People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.”

• Facebook CEO and multi-billionaire Mark Zuckerberg is one year younger than I am. It’s always nice to keep things like that in mind, so that you don’t ever get too full of yourself.

Speaking of full, I wish I had another one of those fried Oreos right now…

Justin Schuver is the managing editor of The Post-Searchlight. You can reach him at justin.schuver@thepostsearchlight.com.