YMCA Board could name new CEO in April

Published 4:35 pm Friday, March 16, 2012

The Bainbridge-Decatur County YMCA could have its next permanent CEO by April 17, according to Glennie Bench, chairman of the five-member CEO search committee.

Bench said recently that the committee decided to re-open the application process, after finalist Ralph Jones, a retired Decatur County superintendent and Bainbridge High School football coach, withdrew his name from consideration in early February. At the time, Jim Bouldin of Tallahassee, Fla., was the only remaining finalist, but Bench said that she wanted the committee to be able to “present the board of directors with a choice of two candidates.”

Bench said that the committee re-advertised the job through the YMCA networks, and that the final deadline to apply is later this month. Bouldin would have remained a finalist, but Bench said he was recently offered another YMCA-related job and is no longer in the running.

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“We’ve looked back at a lot of the applications that initially applied, and certainly many of them will likely apply again,” she said. “Our goal is to have the applications process done by the end of the month, so that we can begin pursuing interviews and the next step of the process.

“Our goal is to hopefully get the interviews done before Easter week.”

Bench said the the 13-member YMCA Board of Directors will have a regular meeting April 17, and she hopes the committee has narrowed the field down to two finalists by that date.

“We would certainly like to have a recommendation to them by then,” she said.

Interim CEO Mike Haynes took over the job on an interim basis in September 2011, shortly after the resignation of then-Executive Director Ken Bailey. Haynes’ original final day was slated to be March 1, but he has since agreed to remain on the job as long as he is needed.

“Mike has already indicated to us that this is not a problem,” Bench said.