County fire department stayed busy in 2011

Published 1:47 pm Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Decatur County Fire/Rescue Service had a busy schedule in 2011, according to the annual report released Tuesday.

According to the report, the DCFRS responded to 623 calls in the 2011 calendar year, including 61 in December 2011.

Among those calls in the calendar year were 42 brick-block house fires, 167 brush fires and 126 traffic accidents. The DCFRS also responded to 159 medical assists, 22 vehicle fires, three Hazmat incidents and four aircraft fires.

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County Commisisoner Dr. Earl Perry said the report showed that the county employees were staying on the job.

“This shows that our firemen are staying busy and are making good use of the citizens’ tax money,” he said. “I think this is an eye-opening report and hope a lot of people can see it.”

The complete report breakdown is as follows:

• The DCFRS responded to 273 “fire” calls — 42 brick-block homes, 167 brush fires, 34 miscellaneous outdoor fires, 22 vehicle fires, four aircraft fires and four farm equipment fires.

• They responded to 350 “other calls” — four mutual aid, 18 accidental-false alarm, 126 traffic accidents, 159 medical assist, three Hazmat and 40 other rescue/emergency.