Decatur County artist awarded
Published 5:03 am Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Kathy Ketterer, a member of the Decatur County Artist Guild, was awarded first place at the 2011 Wildlife Festival in Pelham, Ga. The reception and award ceremony were held on Thursday, Sept. 29, at the Hand Building. The judge for the event was Suzanna Wynton, an accomplished artist working in watercolor and oils. Ketterer also was awarded sixth place at the Georgia State Fair in the Creative Photography category for her photo titled “Coral.” The state fair was held in Perry, Ga. The Decatur County Artist Guild meets at the Firehouse in Bainbridge on the third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m., from August to May. For more information, contact DCAG president, Kathy Ketterer at (229) 243-9209.