Trial jurors for Nov. 14
Published 11:51 am Thursday, October 27, 2011
The following persons should appear in the main courtroom of the Decatur County Courthouse on Monday, Nov. 14, at 9 a.m., to serve as potential trial jurors. For more information, please contact the Clerk of Courts at 248-3030 or visit
William A Adams, Shirley D Alderman, Kimberly N Aldridge, Henry C Baell, Jr, Shmyracy D Beard, Justin W Bedwell, Eve Bishop, Rima Bosman, Beth S Briggs, Jefferson L Brock, Tameika S Brooks, Emma L Brown, Veronica M Bryant, Paul M Bullock, Joseph Chandler, Annie L Close, Monica D Close, Wesley A Collins, Larry M Conner, Twanda L Cooper, Harold J Deloach, Desmond S Dodd, Wright J Duncan, Michele G Duncan, Jennifer T East, Rene’ S Elkins, Eva P Evans, Terrance L Evans, Trey G Faircloth, Cierra N Foster, Kurt T Fox, Quinten C Fuller
Charles W Galpin, Charles Glass, Abigail Glass, Lori L Godwin, Esther E Gomez, Nellum Grant, Travis H Green, Patrick L Griffin, Lorraine M Hamlin, Charlotte M Harrell, Frederick L Harrison, Cassandra D Harvey, Cynthia J Hatcher, Jason E Hayes, Brenda I Hendrix, Tammy S Hogan, Joel D Humphrey, Charlotte Hyatt, Karl E Ingram, Eric M Inlow, Marsha R Jackson, Victoria L Jeter, Phillip R Jones, Gloria D Jones, Jordan Esteven Jr, Robert J Jordan, Vanessa Jordan, Nancy L King, Allison O Knight,Wendell L Lambert, Steven M Lee
Jimmy L Mackey, Bruce D Mann, Karen K Mash, Jamie L Maxwell, Lamar Maxwell,, Mary S Mcginty, Clemon Mcgriff, Miranda F Mcintyre, Shirley J Mclendon, Amy H Mills, Robin B Mills, Catherine G Mills, Carlos K Mistry, Emma L Mitchell, Laurel F Mobley, Margaret J Monroe, Hellen E Moore, Crawford G Morris, Richard A Morrison, Barbara L Mulholland, Pearlie Mullins, Doris Murphy, Carol V Nelson, Kimberly B Nesmith, Mae R Newland, Janet O’Brien, James C Odom, Stanley Olivent, Sharon D Pate, Donna G Paul, Ronda D Pearson, Jerry D Phillips, David D Powell, Melvin E Powell
Karen D Ramirez, Florence G Reyes, Charles Riffle, James P Robinson, Donald R Ryals, Gladys R Sanders, Betty E Sealy, G D Sellars, Mary F Sharpe, Ronald D Shreves, W R Simpson, Samuel T Sirmons, Charles R Skipper, Glenn D Smith, Layne B Smith, Esther M Smith, Robert T Snipes, Linda A Sodrel, Ivey J Stott, Christine Timmons, Rhonda G Unfricht, Audrey Vrzal-Cloud, Lawrence T Wade, Angela R Welch, Lamar Weston, Brittany N Williams, Martha E Williams, Jessie L Wills, Gloria H Wilson, Gary A Woodams