Arrests and Citations 10/18 to 10/20
Published 6:38 pm Friday, October 21, 2011
The following arrests and citations, a list of those occurring between Oct. 18 and Oct. 20, have been reported by the Decatur County Jail and Bainbridge Public Safety:
• Roger Eugene Diekman, 35, homeless, Lincoln, Neb., disorderly conduct, BPS;
• Earl Edward Thomas, 49, 431 W. College Street, Bainbridge, theft by shoplifting (1st) BPS;
• Ira Lee Florence Jr., 37, 1807 Forest Lane, Bainbridge, driving while license withdrawn, obstruction of an officer (misd) BPS;
• Esther Mae Butler, 17, 313 W. College St., Bainbridge, prostitution, BPS;
• Chasidy Elishia Huntley, 19, 900 MLK Dr., Bainbridge, prostitution, BPS;
• Gary Allen Davis, 44, 1519 Tired Creek Road, Whigham, deposit account fraud (9cts.), SO;
• Nathan Fluitt, 39, 485 Springfield Ave., Newark, N.J. criminal attempt to commit armed robbery, possession of firearm during commission of a crime, SO;
• Tiffany Michele Cooper, 30, 203 N. Sims St., Bainbridge, probation violation, o/c driving without license, SO;
• Ira Lee Florence Jr., 37, 1807 Forest Lane, Bainbridge, probation violation, o/c interference with gov’t. property/obstruction of officer, SO.