Hardee’s celebrates ‘grand re-opening’
Published 10:00 am Friday, August 12, 2011

The Hardee’s of Bainbridge recently completed a remodeling of its exterior and interior, and celebrated with a “grand re-opening” ribbon cutting Thursday. Some of those present at the event included: cutting the ribbon, general manager Chris Black; to the right of Black, from left to right, are Dan Ponder, president of Ponder Enterprises LLC, the owner of the restaurant; Daaron van Stone, director of information technologies and finance for Ponder Enterprises; and David Stevenson, district manager of Ponder Enterprises. To the left of Black, from left to right, include Bainbridge City Council Member Roslyn Palmer, Bainbridge/Decatur County Chamber of Commerce President Diane Strickland and Chamber Board Chairman Ryan Phillips.|Justin Schuver