Mosely won’t stay on in Coffee County
Published 2:30 pm Thursday, July 21, 2011
Decatur County Board of Commissioners Chairman Butch Mosely withdrew his name for consideration for a school superintendent post in Coffee County on Wednesday.
Mosely, who had been serving as Coffee County’s interim superintendent since March.
After reading a letter from Mosely indicating his decision to withdraw from consideration, the Coffee County school board voted unanimously to hire Morris Leis, the other finalist for the job, according to the Florida-Times Union.
Coffee County schools are currently in their second year of accredation probation.
According to the Times-Union’s story, Mosely stated in the letter that after giving the matter “considerable thought,” he decided that withdrawing would be best for him and the school system.
“With the board and community divided on the choice, I think my decision is best for all concerned,” Mosely wrote. “I will continue to serve as interim as long as you desire with the primary goal being to insure a smooth transition for Dr. Leis.”