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Published 7:05 pm Thursday, July 7, 2011
Community Relations Librarian
Want to know what’s going on at your library but don’t have time for a visit?
Subscribe the to the SWGRL Spotlight and have library news delivered directly to your inbox every month!
The SWGRL Spotlight is the library’s e-newsletter, where you can receive information on upcoming events, library news and other useful information. Email us at to subscribe or visit our website at for more information.
Fire up those grills!
Celebrate National Grilling Month this July with assistance from your library!
The Decatur County-Gilbert H. Gragg Library has several materials to help you learn how to cook all kinds of food on your outdoor grill, including “Mastering the Grill: the Owner’s Manual for Outdoor Cooking” by Andrew Schloss and “Semi-Homemade Grilling” by Sandra Lee.
With the help of these and other titles, you can learn to grill all kinds of food ranging from hamburgers and hot dogs to all kinds of different meats and vegetables.
Please call the Decatur County-Gilbert H. Gragg Library at (229) 248-2665 for more information on these or other titles to get your grilling on!
Reading Logs Due July 22
Don’t forget to turn your child’s reading logs for the Vacation Reading Program!
All reading logs are due by Friday, July 22. Children who turn in a completed reading log will have the opportunity to attend the End of Summer Party on Saturday, July 30, from 12 to 3 p.m. at the Decatur County-Gilbert H. Gragg Library, where there will be games, face painting, balloon animals, crafts, prizes and much more!
Make sure your child reads at least 20 books this summer to turn in a completed reading log.
For teens ages 12 to 18, they must read at least 13 books (with a minimum of 50 pages each) to turn in a completed reading log.
Please visit our website at for more information.
Introductory Computer Classes
Do you need to learn how to use a computer?
Learn how to use a computer with assistance from the library and join us for Introductory Computer Classes!
Classes will be offered at the Decatur County-Gilbert H. Gragg Library on Tuesday, July 19, through Thursday, July 21.
Computer classes is a three-day course; attendance is required on all three days of the course. The topics that will be covered include How to Use the Mouse and Keyboard, navigating the Windows environment, Introduction to Microsoft Word 2007, and Introduction to the Internet and E-Mail.
Please call the Decatur County-Gilbert H. Gragg Library at (229) 248-2665 to place your name on the waiting list.
Taryn Brown is the Youth Services and Community Relations Librarian for the Decatur County-Gilbert H. Gragg Library, located at 301 S. Monroe St. in Bainbridge. She may be reached by calling (229) 248-2665.