Finuff recovering well
Published 5:41 pm Tuesday, May 3, 2011
This is in reference to my granddaughter, Audrey Finuff, who was involved in car crash on April 22.
We want to thank all of the rescue, law enforcement, medical staff, firefighters, EMS, lifeflight, Tallahassee Memorial and Shands hospitals for all of their professional qualities in saving Audrey’s life.
She still remains at Shand’s Pediactric Hospital recovering.
“Paint them Pink for Audrey” is a site on Facebook to register to send messages to her mom, Amanda Culverson and dad, Lamar Finuff. We all have “hot pink” toenails in her support!
She has touched many lives by the thousands, God has a way in his works. The out pouring of love, support and kindness to the surrounding communities and people is outstanding.
Donation fund sites are set up at Five Star Credit Union in Attapulgus, Ga., and any Suntrust bank in Florida under Amanda Culverson for Audrey Finuff. There are several locations throughout the area with donation buckets also.
A local band will play on Friday, May 6, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Landing at The Charter House Inn, and all proceeds will go for expenses.
Please continue to pray and have God’s will in our lives, pray for all families involved and let’s turn a negative day into a positive in our lives!
Please continue to pray for Nicki Strickland, who was also involved. She is recovering well.
God’s blessing to all,
The Audrey Finuff families