Not worried about being seen
Published 6:46 am Monday, November 22, 2010
In reading last Saturday’s edition of Letters to the Editor, one letter caught my eye because of the content.
Most of the letter seemed to be putting local government officials down for not attending the Veterans Day celebration.
I certainly do not know all the local government officials in our town, so this writer must be familiar with all our leaders.
My brother, Oliver Sellers Jr., was in attendance, and I am sure this person does not know him. Oliver attended this ceremony to honor his father, Oliver Sellers Sr., who passed away in March, and others.
I attended this ceremony to honor my father and my brother. My dad served in World War II and my brother served in Korea during the Vietnam War.
I think attending the Veterans Day celebration is a choice that each one makes for their own reason. Until my dad passed away this year, I purchased a flag and spent my time with him at the nursing home talking and giving him a special meal. So maybe, just maybe, there were people out there honoring the veterans in other ways and did not worry about being seen.
Respectfully yours,
Martha Sellers Bryson
Bainbridge, Ga.