BC Rotaract to participate in mentoring
Published 2:54 pm Monday, November 8, 2010
Bainbridge College Rotaract is eager to begin its participation in the local organization, 1 on 1 Mentoring.
1 on 1 Mentoring, coordinated by Alesia Brinson, strives to empower youth to make positive life choices, face daily challenges, maximize potential, and focus on education, both now and in the future. Always eager to volunteer with new organizations, Rotaract members jumped at the opportunity to work with the organization after listening to a presentation by Brinson at a recent club meeting.
Rotaract members will dedicate a minimum of two hours per month to a middle school student during the student’s lunch period.
The main goal of each mentor is to provide mentees with confidence both inside and outside the school setting, exposing the true potential and worth of the individual.
1 on 1 Mentoring is not only a confidence booster, but also a friendship creator. Mentors and mentees often develop relationships which last a lifetime.
A quote by Marion Edelman sums up the goal of both the organization’s and Rotaract’s intentions: “Children must have at least one person who believes in them. It could be a counselor, a teacher, a preacher or a friend. It could be you. You never know when a little support will plant a small seed of hope.”
In short, all children should have someone who listens, someone who encourages and someone who cares.