Armed robber convicted, sentenced to prison

Published 5:43 pm Thursday, August 5, 2010

A man behind at least two armed robberies in Bainbridge last year has been convicted and sentenced to prison, District Attorney Joe Mulholland announced Thursday.

Antonio De’Andre Butler was convicted of Armed Robbery and sentenced to serve 20 years in the penitentiary, Mulholland announced in a news release. Butler was implicated in at least two armed robberies in 2009. In December 2009, Butler, also known by the alias of “Munchy,” robbed two men at gunpoint at Los Lomas convenience store in Bainbridge. Butler also robbed the Port One Liquor Store in Bainbridge of the same year, and was shot at by store owner Tom Knight while attempting to flee.

According to Mulholland, Butler pled blind, which means the sentence was solely up to the court, with no sentencing recommendation from the District Attorney, to the charges of armed robbery, aggravated assault, and possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime.

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“We are pleased with the sentence of the court, and hope it sends a strong message to the community that if you are going to rob hard working store owners with a firearm you are going to serve a long time in prison,” Mulholland said. “I would also like to thank the members of the Decatur Citizens Against Crime Group whose support certainly helped in the apprehension of the criminals involved in this robbery.”

Butler will also have to serve at least 90 percent of the 20-year sentence, Mulholland said.

For more information on these cases, please see the related story: Three Robbery Suspects Arrested (Dec. 18, 2009)