Simply heroes

Published 2:15 pm Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It’s so simple—one year later Humane Society Heroes

Thank you is my first response. Wow! is my second!

Aug. 1 was the anniversary of a simple idea. Coin cans were placed near cash registers in businesses in our community. The request—simply to drop in loose change. No balloons, no parades, no fanfare. A simple act by simple heroes.

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But, here’s the WOW! part.

This simple good-deed by all of the folks in our town brought our Humane Society a not-so-simple amount of money. I can’t disclose the amount—but it was simply enormous! All for helping the helpless.

I simply cannot thank you enough. I simply cannot Thank the local businesses enough for taking part. I would list all these businesses, but there simply isn’t enough room.

But if you see one of these cans when you’re out and about, remember that these local businesses are doing this simple thing because they care about our community, and about our town, and about our homeless animals.

A simple good deed can lead to so much!Sally MillerBainbridge,