Praying for others

Published 7:44 pm Friday, July 9, 2010

Scripture: II Thessalonians 1:1-12

Aim: To encourage the student to make a habit of praying for others. To give insight into how to pray for others.

Golden text: “We pray always for you” (II Thessalonians 1:12).

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Christianity is unique among the religions of the world. One of its basic characteristics is the emphasis that is placed upon the responsibility of Christians to pray for others. There is great emphasis upon Christians praying for other Christians, and upon Christians praying for the unconverted.

The whole of the Christian life should be lived with the believer “praying always, in all things.”

There is no question that Jesus taught His followers to pray continually, and He showed them how by example. As the church developed, the leaders prayed and taught others to pray.

Our lesson for today shows that Paul was a good example.

I. In order to pray effectively for others one must maintain a proper relationship with the Lord (II Thessalonians 1:1-11). Paul himself was a consecrated Christian and maintained a continually active prayer life. He had instructed the Christians at Thessalonica to “pray without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17-18).

They were characterized as having faith that was growing exceedingly, having abounding love toward each other, patient in persecutions and endured tribulations (II Thessalonians 1:3-5).

Their testimony for Christ was so strong that Paul told folks in the other churches about them (vs. 4).

Our own faith should be so dominate in our personal lives that we too have others speaking out about our faithfulness to our Lord.

The Thessalonican Christians were encouraged to continue faithfully. God promised to bring tribulation upon those who persecuted them (vs. 6).

The Lord Jesus Christ will come from heaven with the mighty angels and take vengeance on those who know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ (vs. 7-8).

The Lord will punish the wicked and glorify His saints (vs. 9-10).

II. Some things to be prayed for others (II Thessalonians 1:11-12). We should always pray for the salvation of the lost. The unsaved are like lost sheep. They need to hear the Gospel of Christ in order to be saved. Christians should ever be earnest in prayer for folks who have never received Christ as Savior.

We should pray for other Christians. We should pray that they be counted worthy of their calling. We should pray that they live a faithful Christian life and bring no shame upon the Christian life. We each should fulfill God’s will in faith and practice.

The Lord Jesus Christ has called each of us. All men should glorify Jesus Christ to the glory of God (vs. 12).

May God give us the grace to pray for others!