Getting fired up for rally

Published 6:14 pm Tuesday, July 6, 2010

On April 15, we had the opportunity to listen to young black conservative Lenny McAllister speak on “taking back America” from the socialists on Capitol Hill, who are the henchmen bent on enforcing a Marxist agenda of stealing our liberties and placing them under federal control, and using taxpayer money and borrowed money to accomplish it, thus pushing our nation even further toward hyperinflation and economic collapse.

Move over, Greece, Spain and other European countries, we will soon join you.

The point of the paragraph above is to get you fired up if you’re not already and to invite you to a Tea Party gathering at Bainbridge College’s Kirbo Regional Center on July 10 from 4 to 6 p.m.

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Our featured speaker will be young black conservative Jerome Hudson, who will give us his thoughts on the disaster that passes for government in Washington, D.C.

Also, we will hear former Decatur Countian, Heather Kirkland Abbott, speak on the Constitution. After the rally, we will have the opportunity to talk with a number of candidates for local, state and national office, or their representatives.

All elections for public office are important, but the 2010 elections are critically important.

Come to this rally, listen, question and go to the polls as informed as you can be. We have to use these elections to, as Mr. McAllister said, “take back America.”

We owe this to our children, grandchildren and to our country!

Bob LaneBainbridge, Ga.