Pleasing to God
Published 1:52 pm Friday, June 11, 2010
Scripture: I Thessalonians 2:1-12
Aim: To help the pupil understand that the major purpose in life should be to please God.
Golden Text: “But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts” (I Thessalonians 2:4).
First of all, most people have the determination to please themselves above all else.
Second, some people have the determination to please others. They seem to thrive on helping someone else.
Third, and least practiced, some people are determination to please God above all else. This last purpose is the best and most profitable to people.
After Saul of Tarsus was converted on the road to Damascus, he was taken to see Ananias. Upon the instruction of the Lord, Ananias open the blinded eyes of Saul. He gave Saul a commission from the Lord. Saul was to preach the gospel to the multitudes and suffer greatly in order to be a prime example of the endurance the Lord could give one who trusts and obeys Him.
Saul and Barnabas went on a missionary journey together. Saul’s name was changed to Paul while they were in Cyprus. Paul became the leader of the missions trip.
I. On the second missionary journey Paul traveled to Asia Minor. He established a church in Thessalonica. As Paul and his group traveled southward in Greece, Paul sent Timothy back to check how the Christians at Thessalonica were getting along. When Timothy returned, he brought some questions from them. Paul wrote this first epistle to answer the questions and instruct the people further in the Christian faith. The emphasis of this lesson is living to please God.
II. Paul was faithfully serving God in coming to Thessalonica (I Thessalonians 2:1-4). He and his party had suffered persecution at Philippi before coming to Thessalonica (vs. 1-2). However, they were bold to preach the gospel of Christ to the people of Thessalonica (vs. 2). Even here they had some opposition (vs. 2), but faithfully preached the gospel to the people (vs. 2).
Further, Paul did not try to deceive the people. He told them the simple truth concerning the needs of men to be saved by faith in Christ (vs. 3). Paul was given the “trust” of the gospel. It was committed to his keeping and preaching (vs. 4). He always sought to please God (vs. 4).
III. Paul’s ministry was designed to gain the confidence of men, win them to follow Christ, and in all things to please God (I Thessalonians 2:5-12). First, Paul gave people the gospel of Christ, urging them to receive Him and be converted (vs. 4).
Second, he did not use flattering words, and neither did he use deceiving words (vs. 5). He spoke knowing full well that God was listening (vs. 5).
Third, Paul did not make appeals to people in order to glorify and elevate them or himself (vs. 6).
Fourth, Paul and his party took care of their own needs rather than expect the people to support them (vs. 6).
Fifth, he was gentle and affectionate (vs. 7-8).
Sixth, he and his party were willing to give their very lives in order for the people to hear and believe the gospel of Christ (vs. 8).
Paul ministered among them like a father cares for his children (vs. 10-11). He ministered knowing that his life and ministry was open to God. His desire was to walk worthy of God, remembering that He calls men into His kingdom with the view of giving them the God’s glory God (vs. 11-12).
Paul later wrote, “Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all to the glory of God.”