Film to be made in Seminole County

Published 6:27 am Thursday, June 3, 2010

Many youngsters watch movies and dream of becoming a star.  Perhaps they love to sing and dance.  Many even have talent to go along with their dream.  Now they will have the opportunity to audition for a real part in a real movie.

Tear Drop Motion Pictures is filming a full length move called ” Show Kidz” here in Seminole County.  They want to use local talent.  There will be parts for approximately twenty teen and preteen youngsters as extras.  The children should be between the ages of 11 and 17 years old.

Director Lazara Gonzalez also wants to showcase a local youngster in the role as a dancer with the main cast which includes dancers from the MTV show “America’s Best Dance Group” as well as some from Hannah Montana’s dance crew.

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The ideal candidate for this role would be between 11 and 17 years old with extensive dance experience.

In addition there is an adult supporting role.  This is Vivian, a rich matron, camp director, who is ready to retire.  The ideal for this role would be a polished lady in her late 30’s to mid 50’s with some acting experience.  She won’t have to dance but should look like she can.

Anyone who is interested in being auditioned should email a photo or headshot along with a brief description of qualifications.  You also need to state any days you may not be available for filming.  If you are selected, you must be available for filming on Sunday, June 20th and Saturday, July 3rd.

When e-mailing start it with:  “I would like to audition for the role of extra or showcase dancer or Vivian in the movie “Show Kidz”.  E-mail address is:

Tear Drop Motion Pictures Inc. will distribute “Show Kidz” through Amazon I-Tunes.  Once production is completed, the movie will be set up for distribution to outlets like Walmart, Block Buster, Hollywood Video and other well known stores.

For more information contact Lazara Leonard Gonzalez/Tear Drop Motion Pictures Inc.  2121 Hollywood Road, Atlanta, Georgia 30318.  You can also call 678-357-1245 cell.