Does this late opinion matter?

Published 7:03 pm Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hello to fellow Decatur-ites! I have been a teacher here 30 years, and loved every minute of it (well almost every minute).

God blessed me by letting me work in a field I loved with the best people I have ever known (all ages included).

As you might guess, I have seen a lot of educational politics throughout the years. Sadly, I have been a witness as the best people for jobs were overlooked by the “high ups”, and have for the most part just kept my big ole mouth shut.

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But this time I cannot sit by without adding my sad 2 cents’ worth of opinion on the matter of the school superintendent selection.

I am sure this “whoever” is a good person and will do as good a job as he can. However, the many local talents that could have done the best job for our county have been thrown out the window.

As a teacher, this would be akin to hiring a brand new out-of-towner—never had experience teacher in the place of a tried and true multi-experienced expert educator. The skilled local personnel in place to be hired for this job have deep roots here and not only have proven they are skilled and talented enough to do above excellent work; they also have proven their hearts are in Decatur County.

What a great job any of them could have done … coulda, woulda, shoulda … oh, well … here’s to the new guy … what was his name again?

Rosalyn BarberBainbridge, Ga.